It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.
Technology has reached to an era where its evolving and becoming better day by day, we believe the need of embedment into education is very essential.
Academics 360 Online has every feature you will need to run your prestigious institution. Our team with their experience and collective information developed ERP System, which will help Institutes to better manage and run efficiently.
Academics 360 Online is cloud-based ERP solution, which can be easily molded into the requirement of the Academic institution and harvest the benefit of more than 30+ modules.
This software not only helps managing student but also integrates in financials, helps in Admissions, managing online enrolments & collecting Tuition fees as well other payments.
We have provided Multilanguage options, which can help the institute to provide custom reports to their Ministry of Educations in native language. Institutes can run their own ecommerce site to sell books, uniforms or any sort of in-house production materials.